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Rapid Web Development in Go App Using the Buffalo Framework

Golang App Using the Buffalo Framework

· Website Developer
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For developing a web application or a rest service in the Go app, you have to do so much work for the project setup, directory structures, application architecture, and many more. In a web development platform that already has each thing from front-end like CSS, JavaScript to back end technologies like routing, database, etc. that are designed for making it easy for developers.

What is Buffalo Framework?

It is known as a Go web development ecosystem that is designed to help the developers and generate a web project including all the essential things that are already hooked up and ready to start. Also, it provides amazing APIs to create web applications fast in Go.

It is not just a framework; it is an all-inclusive web development environment and similar to a project structure that lets the developers get straight for their business as well as for growing the business. It works as a perfect starting point for the web application without having the requirement of writing a lot of boilerplate code.

Main Features of Buffalo Framework

These features of Buffalo framework are helpful for rapid web development in Go app, have a look at these following points-

Batteries Included

It follows the same approach like many other frameworks and also has all the batteries. It refers to the fact that you don’t have to recreate the wheel again and again. To follow a battery including approach is essential due to its helping nature for Go web development by making it easy for just starting the coding. It also uses Gorilla Mux for routing and plush for templates by using rails like syntax. You can extend this feature with the use of custom helpers.

Quick Development

This is the main feature of buffalo that it allows you to quickly start the application development without writing so much deadly boilerplate code or much initialization. To get your application off the ground, sometimes you just don’t require to write the custom router or stipulate the template engine. It allows you to start the app development as fast as possible.

Expendable Batteries

It is one of the amazing features of buffalo that there is no pressure to use the libraries that are available by default. Despite the Gorilla Mux router, there is no pressure to use any of the libraries that are added. You can use custom libraries for rapid web development as it will be beneficial for the project.

Docker Companion

Docker is known as the standard tool for creating, packaging and deploying the developed applications inside the containers. Docker is supported by Buffalo and lets you deploy the applications in a Docker container and Go web development easily just by using some lines of code. This compatibility offered by Docker allows you to create high-quality, scalable web applications, and production-grade through leveraging the Buffalo features along with Docker's beauty.

Productivity and Development

The productivity of the developer is the metric upon which Buffalo framework is judged. It makes the creation of applications easier, faster, and more efficient than other frameworks. Right from the creation to the end, this framework allows developers to make applications rapidly without any worry regarding finer intricacies.

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Rapid web Development through Buffalo Framework

In this time of ever-evolving frameworks in which new languages occur now and then and among all of them, Golang is the one that is still used by the developers. Built-in support and fast compilation for concurrency are some of the things that are helpful to stand among the competitors. Go web development has many built-in features and you will not require a different framework for it. Just add a built-in web server and goroutines on top of it and have a language that is appropriate for a variety of web applications.

Although Go has various best tools built into the standard library by using a web framework like Buffalo actually might help speed all the things up and make the web development rapid. Using a framework makes the development of web applications easier than ever and Buffalo is very helpful as it has a wide range of functionalities that enables the Go app developers to make production-ready and scalable apps at high-speed.

Final Words

In essence, Buffalo's framework makes web development easier and faster in the Go app. It generates a project demo and also, templates and actions, runs the server, and offers hot reload on changing of the code. Golang development company uses buffalo as it provides you a simple toolbox and buffalo command to create various parts of the app and to run regular tasks.

Although, you can extend this toolbox with more plugins by using the language you want. You can run all the tasks by using an easy command from the Buffalo toolbox and also can create test templates by using resources, actions, and models.

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